MERN stack is a collection of technologies used to develop web applications. The main purpose of using MERN stack is to develop apps using JavaScript only without knowing another language. This is because the four technologies that make up the technology stack are all JS-based. Thus, if one knows JavaScript (and JSON), the backend, frontend, and database can be operated easily. It is used by developers worldwide.
MERN Stack Full Form:
MERN Stack is a collection of four different technologies that work together to develop dynamic web apps and websites.
MERN is the combination of the following:
• M - MongoDB
• E - ExpressJS
• R - ReactJS
• N - NodeJS
The first component is MongoDB, which is a NoSQL database management system.
The second component is ExpressJS. It is a backend web application framework for NodeJS.
The third component is ReactJS, a JavaScript library for developing user interfaces efficiently.
The final component of the MERN stack is NodeJS. It is a JS runtime environment that enables running JavaScript code outside the browser.